Assetto Corsa Competizione
Assetto Corsa Competizione: Thrustmaster T300 FFB Settings
Assetto Corsa Competizione - Thrustmasters T300 Wheel Settings
Here you can find our recommended configuration for the Thrustmasters T300 wheel.
In Game Settings:
Gain: 70%
Minimun Force: 5%
Dynamic Damping: 100%
Road Effects: 25%
Steer Lock: 1080 °
Brake Range: 1.00
Steer Linearity: 1.00
From the Thrustmasters Control Panel set these parameters:
Overall Strength of all Forces: 75%
Constant: 100%
Periodic: 100%
Spring: 100%
Damper: 5%
Auto Center settings: by the game